Another beautiful day in this miserable world

3. Write a program that determines the molevular weight of a hydrocarbon based on the number of hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen atoms. You should use the following weights H = 1.0079 grams/mole C = 12.011 grams/mole O = 15.9994 grams/mole

(Bare with me here, I am a Comp Sci major not a Chem major :P)
#We must define the weight of a single gram/mole before we start our calulation
#Find out how many of each molecule is in the hydrocarbon
#Add together the weight times the amount of molecules and add them together

def main():
    print("This program determines the molecular weight of a hydrocarbon.")
    h = 1.0079
    c = 12.011
    o = 15.9994
    hnum = eval(input("How many hydrogen atoms are there? "))
    cnum = eval(input("How many carbon atoms are there? "))
    onum = eval(input("How many oxygen atoms are there? "))
    ans = (h*hnum) + (c*cnum) + (o*onum)
    print("The molecular weight of the hydrocarbon is ", ans)

2. Write a program that calculates the cost per square inch of a circular pizza given it’s diameter and height. The formula for area is A = pir^2

#We must import the math module to incorporate the “pi” function
#Ask for both the diameter and price of the pizza
#The formula uses the radius, so we will have to divide the diameter in half to get the radius
#Using the formula given to us, we can put it in python terms
#To find the cost per square inch, we divide the area by the price

from math import * 
def main():
    diam = eval(input('What is the diameter of the whole pizza? '))
    price = eval(input("What is the price of the pizza? "))
    rad = diam/2
    area = 4*pi*rad**2
    ans = area/price
    print("The cost per square inch is ", ans)

1. Write a program to calculate the volume and surface area of a sphere from it’s radius, given it’s input.

#V = 4/3pir^3
#A = 4pir^2
#We must import the math module in order to obtain the "pi" function
#Using the formulas given, we place the formula's in python form

from math import *
def main():
    rad = eval(input('What is the radius of the sphere? '))
    vol = ((4*pi*rad**3)/3)
    area = (4*pi*rad**2)

    print('The volume of the sphere is', vol, ' The area is', area)

Dancing Man – Rick Roll

This was the very first “long” program that I wrote. It incorporates math modules, random modules, a graphics module (a tkinter spin off provided by Zelle) and functions. This was a little bit of extra credit I did during the semester. I am sure that there are plenty of short cuts that I could have used and some of my code may be obsolete, but considering it’s my very first complicated program, I figure its all good. I also wanted to show it off to people that would understand the fundamentals behind it. To a normal person, it’s just a dancing stick figure. To me, it’s 3 long nights of straight work and 5 pages worth of code. I submitted it with the Rick Ashley song in the background for fun effect. Enjoy!

Click here for The final Product with the Rick Roll song

from graphics import *
from time import *
from random import *

def drawMan(center, size, moverr, moverl, moverLL, moverRL, window):
    bodyLength = size * 3
    topllx = 225
    botllx = 190
    toplrx = 275
    botlrx = 310
    topy = 435
    boty = 470
    end = Point(center.getX(), center.getY() + bodyLength)
    leftLTop = Line(end, Point(topllx + moverLL ,topy + moverLL))
    llbpt = leftLTop.getP2()
    llbptx = llbpt.getX()
    llbpty = llbpt.getY()
    leftLBot = Line(Point(llbptx,llbpty), Point(botllx + moverLL * 3 ,boty + moverLL * 3))
    rightLTop = Line(end, Point(toplrx + moverRL,topy + moverRL))
    rlbpt = rightLTop.getP2()
    rlbptx = rlbpt.getX()
    rlbpty = rlbpt.getY()
    rightLBot = Line(Point(rlbptx,rlbpty), Point(botlrx + moverRL * 3,boty + moverRL * 3))

    toplx = 220
    consty = 325
    botlx = 190
    toprx = 280
    botrx = 310
    mid = Point((center.getX()+center.getX())//2, (center.getY() + (center.getY()+bodyLength))//2)
    leftTop = Line(mid, Point(toplx, consty))
    lbpt = leftTop.getP2()
    lbptx = lbpt.getX()
    lbpty = lbpt.getY()
    leftBot = Line(Point(lbptx,lbpty), Point(botlx + moverl * 2,consty + moverl * 2))
    varleft = leftBot.getP1()

    rightTop = Line(mid, Point(toprx + moverr,consty + moverr))
    rbpt = rightTop.getP2()
    rbptx = rbpt.getX()
    rbpty = rbpt.getY()
    rightBot = Line(Point(rbptx,rbpty), Point(botrx + moverr * 2,consty + moverr * 2))

    eyeSize = 0.15 * size
    eyeOff = size / 3.0
    mouthSize = 0.8 * size
    mouthOff = size / 2.0
    head = Circle(center, size)
    leftEye = Circle(center, eyeSize)
    leftEye.move(-eyeOff, -eyeOff)
    rightEye = Circle(center, eyeSize)
    rightEye.move(eyeOff, -eyeOff)
    p1 = center.clone()
    mouth = Circle(p1, size/1.5)
    p2 = center.clone()
    mouth1 = Circle(p2, size/1.4)
    bodyM = Line(Point(center.getX(),center.getY()), (Point(center.getX(), center.getY()+bodyLength)))

def disco(window):
    filler = ['white', 'black', 'blue', 'purple', 'yellow', 'pink', 'green']
    rand = randint(0,6)
    setFi = filler[rand]
    disco = Circle(Point(100,75), 50)
    disco1 = disco.clone()
    disco2 = disco1.clone()


def intervals():
    rand = randint(0,5)
    rand1 = randint(0,1)
    nega = [1,-1]
    mover = rand * nega[rand1]
    return mover
def faceMove():
    rand = randint(0,5)
    rand1 = randint(0,1)
    nega = [1,-1]
    mover = rand * nega[rand1]
    return mover

def main():
    win = GraphWin("", 500, 500)
    bg1 = Rectangle(Point (0,0), Point(500, 500))
    center = Point(250, 250)
    size = 50
    moverl = 0
    moverr = 0
    moverRL = 0
    moverLL = 0
    amoverl = 0
    amoverr = 0
    amoverRL = 0
    amoverLL = 0

    while win.checkMouse() == None:
        center = Point(center.getX() + faceMove(), center.getY() + faceMove())
        cgx = center.getX()
        cgy = center.getY()
        amoverl = amoverl + moverl
        amoverr = amoverr + moverr
        amoverRL = amoverRL + moverRL
        amoverLL = amoverLL + moverLL
        drawMan(center,size, moverr, moverl, moverLL, moverRL, win)
        moverl = intervals()
        moverr = intervals()
        moverRL = intervals()
        moverLL = intervals()

        if amoverl > 20:
            moverl = moverl * -1

        if amoverRL > 20:
            moverRL = moverRL * -1

        if amoverl < -20:
            moverl = moverl * -1

        if amoverRL  20:
            moverr = moverr * -1

        if amoverLL > 20:
            moverLL = moverLL * -1

        if amoverr < -20:
            moverr = moverr * -1

        if amoverLL < -20:
            moverLL = moverLL * -1

        if cgy  260:
            center = Point(250,250)
        if cgx < 240:
            center = Point(250,250)



Click here for The final Product with the Rick Roll song

Rice is better than you.

I was thinking, what is the best thing ever in the world? RICE! I love rice. I could eat rice forever. So I’ve compiled a list of my favorite ways to eat rice. The pictures are not mine, but the thought is.

Rice with Soy Sauce

Fried Rice

Rice with Chicken

Rice and Adobo Sauce

Rice with vegetables

Rice and Tofu

Rice and beef

Rice and teriyaki

Rice Soup

Rice Milk

Rice Pudding

Rice and Fish

Rice and Shrimp

Rice and Curry


Ah Rice! What would I do without You?

I’m skipping a little bit ahead in the chapters because I think this is pretty cool.

Ever want to send hidden messages to somebody, but don’t know how? Here’s a simple ASCII encoder and decoder for you. You can modify this any way you want, but sure that you change both the encoder and the decoder.

A basic rundown of the program is such:
The program takes the letters of whatever message you are encoding and turns it into the ASCII equivalent. You can find the complete table here ASCII Table . The encoded message you get out of it will just be numbers. Whoever you send the numbers to puts the message into the decoder and that turns the numbers back into letters! Awesome right? Simple, easy, and most normal people don’t know it.

If you want to modify it to be a little bit harder for somebody to catch onto, you could take the numbers that you’re encoding and add 2 or multiply by 7. Remember in the encoder you would have to do the opposite to make the message come out right. Be careful dividing in the encoder, the numbers might not come out right. If you wanted to be really sneaky, You could even do the mod of the number and then find out the numbers equivalent to the mod and have the decode print out what the different messages could be based on the mod. That actually sounds like fun, I might try that sometime 🙂

Remember, my indents are not correct do to the layout of the page. It should look like what’s in the pictures.


def main():
    mess = input("Message: ")

    for ch in mess:
        print(ord(ch), end = " ")



def main():

    for i in range(10000):
        inString = input("Code: ")

        chars = []
        for numStr in inString.split():
            codeNum = eval(numStr)

        message = "".join(chars)



Here’s a little bit of extra information. Run it through your decoder to find out what it says 🙂

84 104 105 115 32 105 115 32 97 32 118 101 114 121 32 115 105 109 112 108 105 115 116 105 99 32 119 97 121 32 116 111 32 108 101 97 114 110 32 104 111 119 32 110 101 116 119 111 114 107 115 32 97 114 101 32 101 110 99 111 100 101 100 32 97 110 100 32 100 101 99 111 100 101 100 46 32 73 110 32 98 105 103 32 110 101 116 119 111 114 107 115 44 32 116 104 101 114 101 32 105 115 32 117 115 117 97 108 108 121 32 115 111 109 101 32 116 121 112 101 32 111 102 32 97 108 103 111 114 105 116 104 109 32 116 104 97 116 32 100 101 102 105 110 101 115 32 119 104 97 116 32 105 115 32 101 110 99 114 121 112 116 101 100 46 32 84 104 105 115 32 105 115 32 104 111 119 32 99 111 109 112 97 110 105 101 115 32 99 97 110 32 114 101 99 101 105 118 101 32 121 111 117 114 32 99 114 101 100 105 116 32 99 97 114 100 32 110 117 109 98 101 114 32 119 105 116 104 111 117 116 32 105 116 32 98 101 105 110 103 32 104 97 99 107 101 100 32 105 110 32 116 114 97 110 115 105 116 33 32 67 111 111 108 32 114 105 103 104 116 63 32 84 114 121 32 105 116 32 121 111 117 114 115 101 108 102 44 32 115 101 101 32 105 102 32 121 111 117 32 99 97 110 32 99 111 109 101 32 117 112 32 119 105 116 104 32 97 32 99 111 111 108 32 97 108 103 111 114 105 116 104 109 32 58 41

ESPN 3 and Xbox

I think I’m going to make a bold statement here and say that this is probably the best combination since the bed and sleep. Not only can I play video games on my xbox, but I can also watch all the Duke games I can possibly imagine?! So amazing. What’s even better about ESPN 3, is that you can find live streaming content on the website. So in the off chance that I am not hiding in my house, and actually went outside in the real world to interact with these other human beings that happen to inhabit the earth that I live on, I could STILL watch all the Duke games I can imagine. Granted I would have to find a hotspot and plug my laptop in (the battery life leaves much to be desired), but the possibilities man….the possibilities.

I was “lucky” enough to have Comcast as my provider so I didn’t have any trouble getting ESPN 3, but I have heard from friends back home that Time Warner has not yet gotten with the times. While most TV companies are not yet with “the times”, I have great news for you guys! Time Warner has announced that next year, you will be able to stream ESPN 3 on your laptop and Xbox 360! Great news right? Because we were hoping that in the near future they would get it together. Well on the bright side, instead of a million odd years into infinity, you now only have to wonder when in the next year you’ll get to experience the orgasmic pleasures of a threesome involving you, your xbox, and ESPN 3.

Until then, I’ll keep you up to date. It’s amazing, I promise. Totally worth the wait.

11. Write an interactive Python calculator program. The program should allow the user to type a mathematical expression, and then print the value of the expression. Include a loop so that the user can perform many calculations (say, up to 100). Note: To quit early, the user can make the program crash by typing a bad expression or simply closing the window that the calculator program is running in. You’ll learn better ways of terminating interactive programs in later chapters.

#Chapter 2 Question 11
#This program performs simple user input calculation
#I didn’t eval the input because I would like to print what the problem is in the
#final print statement. Since I didn’t eval the input, the input will be treated
#as a string instead of integers. To fix that, I can name the input as a
#different variable and then eval the input that way. This gives me the option
#To get the input from the user, print the user given input, and also
#print the answer to the equation in a simple way.

def main():
    print("This program calculates your input.")
    prob = input("Enter a calculation: ")
    problem = eval(prob)

    print(prob, "=", problem)


9. Write a program that converts distances measured in kilometers to miles. One kilometer is approximately 0.62 miles.

#Chapter 2 Question 9
#This program takes the user input in kilometers and converts it to miles

def main():
print("This program converts kilometers into miles")    kilo = eval(input("How many kilometers? "))
mile = kilo * 0.62
print(kilo, "kilometers is", mile, "miles")

Ah Elon. I actually went on a college trip to Elon when I was looking for a University. I decided that 1) It was too expensive and 2) It was way to close to home. I instead decided to the lovely landscape of the party strewn ECU at Greenville which not only was across the state, but also helped me get my alcohol tolerance up – or whatever alcohol tolerance is called for us Asians.

Is there even much to say on this game? I mean it’s Elon, and this is DUKE. I’ll go for Duke with a slow start and a 14 point lead at the half. Then Duke out for a blast in the second half, Smith leading in points, and Duke winning by 37. Easy come easy go.

I think it’s a nice off week for Kyrie. Although, according to new from a Charlotte Radio station, Coach K has said Kyrie will be out “for a long time”. If that’s the whole season than so be it, but wtf did this guy do to his toe? And why has there been at least a general consensus that “this certain thing” happened to his toe? Nobody has come out and said that he broke it, or sprained it, or cut it off, or stuck it in a jar of cement that hardened and now nobody can get it out. What happened Blue Devils?!