Another beautiful day in this miserable world

Posts tagged ‘Xbox360’

ESPN 3 and Xbox

I think I’m going to make a bold statement here and say that this is probably the best combination since the bed and sleep. Not only can I play video games on my xbox, but I can also watch all the Duke games I can possibly imagine?! So amazing. What’s even better about ESPN 3, is that you can find live streaming content on the website. So in the off chance that I am not hiding in my house, and actually went outside in the real world to interact with these other human beings that happen to inhabit the earth that I live on, I could STILL watch all the Duke games I can imagine. Granted I would have to find a hotspot and plug my laptop in (the battery life leaves much to be desired), but the possibilities man….the possibilities.

I was “lucky” enough to have Comcast as my provider so I didn’t have any trouble getting ESPN 3, but I have heard from friends back home that Time Warner has not yet gotten with the times. While most TV companies are not yet with “the times”, I have great news for you guys! Time Warner has announced that next year, you will be able to stream ESPN 3 on your laptop and Xbox 360! Great news right? Because we were hoping that in the near future they would get it together. Well on the bright side, instead of a million odd years into infinity, you now only have to wonder when in the next year you’ll get to experience the orgasmic pleasures of a threesome involving you, your xbox, and ESPN 3.

Until then, I’ll keep you up to date. It’s amazing, I promise. Totally worth the wait.